Celebrate National Pet ID Week by increasing the odds of being reunited with your pet by taking every precaution. Collars and tags are a reliable way to identify your pet should he become lost. The tag could include information such as: Pet’s name, your family’s name and address, Telephone numbers, Any medical problem requiring medication […]
Pet ID Week
April 28, 2014 -
Chase Away K9 Cancer
April 21, 2014Chase Away K9 Cancer a division of the National Canine Cancer Foundation recommends taking a few minutes on the 14th of each month to Do a Check to Chase Away K9 Cancer. Early detection may affect prognosis and treatment! Check your dog and follow up with your vet if you find anything abnormal. For more […]
Thunderstorm Phobia in Dogs
April 11, 2014Spring showers may bring more flowers, but for some dogs a thunderstorm can be a highly traumatic event. Dogs with thunderstorm phobia can engage in a variety of behaviors including: Hiding under beds or furniture, in closets, or bathrooms (typically small enclosed spaces), intense barking, whining, and/or howling, pacing, drooling , trembling, destructive behavior, and […]
Spring/Summer Classes Now Available
April 08, 2014Our Spring/Summer classes are available for registration! Please contact Meghan if you are interested in attending one of the following classes. This year I am proud to announce that I have two starting dates available for the Continuing Education Class: Saturday May 3, 2014 2-3pm and Saturday August 23, 2014 2-3pm. The Continuing Education Class […]